Classics of modern art. Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation (a cura di). Allemandi, 1999.


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Allemandi (Catalogo della mostra al Museum of Contemporary Art (Andros, Grécia)); 1999; 8842208914 ; Rilegato in tela con titoli al dorso, sovracoperta; 30,5 x 24,5 cm; pp. 179; A cura di Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation. Volume riccamente illustrato a col. e b./n. ; Presenta leggeri segni d’uso ai bordi (senza mancanze nè lacerazioni), interno senza scritte; Buono, (come da foto). ; This exhibition is not part of an anniversary celebration, nor is it an exhaustive, thematic or I monographic reference. It is simply an extension of our 1998 exhibition, but taking as its chronological starting point the carly period of Modernism, the “heroic phase”. Neither is this a retrospective, but rather an attempt to take a fresh, unhindered look at the period in question. Naturally, the choice of paintings is subjective, but they represent the work of the chief figures of Modernism, artists who played an important and decisive role in the history of seeing, and of iconography. All the works in this exhibition are drawn from the core of the most creative phase of this great artistic movement, providing a truly stimulating cultural experience. It has only been possible to display them here thanks to a tireless enthusiasm and determination that wants this museum, situated in the heart of the Aegean, to be distinguished as a locus where aesthetic pleasures are intermingled with wider cultural concerns…. EDGAR DEGAS. PAUL CÉZANNE. AUGUSTE RODIN. CLAUDE MONET. PAUL GAUGUIN. VINCENT VAN GOGH. HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. PIERRE BONNARD. PABLO PICASSO. FERNAND LÉGER. GEORGES BRAQUE. JOAN MIRÓ. VASILY KANDINSKY. PAUL KLEE. MAX ERNST. ALBERTO GIACOMETTI. FRANCIS BACON. JACKSON POLLOCK. BALTHUS ; L’immagine se disponibile, corrisponde alla copia in vendita.