Ultimo Domicilio. Lorenzo Castore. L’Artiere, 2015.


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COD: 18344 Categoria: Tag:


L’Artiere (collection.); 2015; 9788887569667; Rilegato con titoli al piatto e dorso; 30,5 x 24,5 cm; pp. 106; A cura di Laura Serani. Volume illustrato a col.; Presenta leggeri segni d’uso ai bordi (piccole imperfezioni, segno di etichetta), interno senza scritte, timbro alla prima pagina; Buono, (come da foto). ; Three-dimensional family albums, homes that harbor stories and secrets: paintings hanging on walls. photographs, objects on bedside tables, books tucked inside libraries. Objects resonating with one other. reflecting desires and aspirations. memories and affections, revealing the personalities of home-dwellers. often more than an expression or a look on a face. As a photographer Lorenzo Castore always manages to capture people’s soul. With Ultimo Domicilio he seems to want to pass on the other side of the looking glass, seeking for souls elsewhere, while saving the houses he’s loved, spent time in, and obstinately searched for, from being consigned to oblivion. ; L’immagine se disponibile, corrisponde alla copia in vendita.

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Peso 1 kg